Tuesday, 7 May 2019

BAFTSS Conference 2019

In April I was very pleased to be able to speak about my research at the annual conference for the British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies. The 3 day event took place at the University of Birmingham and I was able to attend presentations covering a wide range of research topics, from the troubling representation of male rape on screen to the intersectionality of race, gender and class in French banlieue films.

My presentation on Harry Potter film paratexts and representations of Britishness (click here for abstract) was followed by a really interesting discussion in which the following questions were raised:

How have paratexts such as Platform 9 3/4s evolved beyond the original film texts? What ideas about Britishness have they added/amended?
What more could I find out about Platform 9 3/4s' part in the redevelopment of Kings Cross Station?

I am very grateful for the encouraging feedback I received on my presentation and I am currently implementing the suggestions made.